бардык категориялар

4 дюймдук түтүк ийүүчү

Pipe bending is a skill that most of us have enjoyed since we were young. If so, then you might be interested in Bao Rui's powerful pipe bender! This amazing tool bends pipes as wide as 4 inches. It is so well built it works good and last long make a good tool for who needs to bent pipes.

Precision engineering ensures accuracy and durability in every single bend.

It's all about doing it correctly when you're bending pipes. Thanks to Bao Rui's intelligent design, you'll know that every bend is just the way you'll want it. This makes your projects mistake-free! And this tool is tough as they come. It’s rugged enough to power through tough jobs without faltering, and you can rely on it to keep on running for years into the future. Which means you won’t have to think about replacing it for a while.

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